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"My Mask", fabrics, drawing on A4 paper, 2020
Per Paola sul suo lavoro presentato al progetto "My Mask":
Se non sapessi come s’indossa, a quale progettualità appartiene direi che è un piccolo grembiule giocattolo. Vista indossata mi ricorda un bavaglino…un bavaglino che però copre la bocca divenendo una continuazione delle labbra, della lingua, del dire o dello sbrodolare. Il disegno sulla carta richiama la forma del vaso e sia il grembiule che il bavaglino sono una sorta di indumento raccoglitore. Raccolgono e rimediano ad azioni che eccedono, in qualche modo curano l'errore, lo prevedono e contengono in sé. Molte materie e materiali cercano di accedere al vaso che resta in una distanza incolmabile: appartenente a un mondo altro, una dimensione cartacea inaccessibile a tutti tranne al segno pittorico, per il quale è trasparente e al tessuto più ruvido e spesso.
Francesca Conchieri, Saviore dell'Adamello 26 maggio 2020
If I did
not know how to wear it, which design it belongs to, I would say that
it is a small toy apron. Seeing wearing it reminds me of a bib ...
a bib that however covers the mouth, becoming a continuation of
the lips, tongue, of "saying" and "uncooling".
The drawing on the paper recalls the shape of the vase and both the
apron and the bib are a sort of garment collector. They collect
and remedy actions that exceed, somehow cure the error, foresee it
and contain it in itself.
Many materials try to access the vase
that remains in a distance unbridgeable: belonging to another
world, a paper dimension inaccessible to all except for the
pictorial sign, for which it is transparent and for the rougher and
thicker fabric.
"My Mask"
A project by Mauro Cossu and Francesca Conchieri
It's time to put on the mask. A gesture poised between authenticity and fiction. Dictated by necessity, a costume that unites us. The mask that protects, covers, isolates, filters the breath and words. The mask that changes the physiognomy in a responsible hiding.
The project “My mask” curated by Mauro Cossu and Francesca Conchieri, with the critical contributions by Francesca Baboni and Stefano Taddei, is a masks exhibition created by a group of artists, invited with a single constraint: its must be wearable.
The itinerant exhibition of the original works, which includes a series of Italian and European stages, will open for the first time on 18 July 2020 at the headquarters of the Post Industrial Rurality Association, Centro 3T* (Via Scianica 6, Sellero, BS); will continue within the Nomadic Landscape project during 2021.
The artists involved by Mauro Cossu e Francesca Conchieri are Paola Alborghetti and Eckehard Fuchs who in turn involved Gertrud Fuchs, Ulrike Mundt, Randolf Pirkmayer, Maria Rucker, Patricia Smith; Mme Duplok; Alessio Larocchi who in turn involved Bruno De Blasio, Antonino Bove, Claudia Canavesi, Gabriele Menconi; Giosuè Marongiu; Yari Miele who in turn involved Karim Forlin, Emanuela Rizzo, Marco Scifo; Egle Oddo; Domenico Pievani; Rudi Punzo; Chiara Trivelli; Paola Zorzi who in turn involved Carlotta Cernigliaro e Armando Riva. The artists involved by Francesca Baboni and Stefano Taddei are Hannes Egger, Ulrich Egger, Arnold Mario dall'O, Laurina Paperina, Josef Rainer.
Critical contributions by Francesca Baboni and Stefano Taddei. Curated by Francesca Conchieri and Mauro Cossu. In collaboration of the Post Industrial Rurality Association and Ruinas Contemporaneas within the "Nomadic Landscape" project. The stage of Sellero has patronage by the Municipality of Sellero